Archive:Еженедельные новости 121
- 1 Заметка редакторов
- 2 Состояние дел
- 3 Сообщения команд
- 4 В сообществе
- 4.1 Andrew Wafaa: Another outlet для openSUSE TV
- 4.2 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - openSUSE and ARM: GSoC and Beyond
- 4.3 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Build Your Own Linux Distribution During Your Lunch Break
- 4.4 openSUSE TV: Create your own Linux Distribution
- 4.5 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - OBS and Cross Platform Packaging
- 4.6 Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): Counting down to Pengicon
- 4.7 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Visualizing Package Dependencies
- 4.8 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Making Banshee Scream Cross-Platform
- 4.9 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Experiences with Linux kernel development in openSUSE
- 4.10 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Samba and openSUSE
- 4.11 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Closing Keynote: Open Development in the trenches. A decade at the Apache Software Foundation
- 4.12 openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Legal Aspects of Distribution Development
- 4.13 События
- 4.14 OpenSUSE для ваших ушей
- 4.15 От Ambassadors
- 4.16 openSUSE in $COUNTRY
- 4.17 Общение
- 4.18 контрибьюторы
- 5 Новые и обновлённые приложения для openSUSE
- 6 Обновления безопасности
- 7 Kernel Review
- 8 Советы и приемы
- 9 Планета SUSE
- 10 Форумы openSUSE
- 11 В сети
- 11.1 Announcement
- 11.2 Отчеты
- 11.2.1 ars technica/Ryan Paul: MeeGo mobile Linux will also do laptops and desktops
- 11.2.2 LinuxPlanet/Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): NetworkManager a Solid Tool with New Features
- 11.2.3 IBM developerWorks/Roderick W. Smith: Linux on 4KB-sector disks: Practical advice
- 11.2.4 Siliconrepublic/John Kennedy: Novell claims to have hit 5,000 Linux app jackpot
- 11.2.5 Ostatic/Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): Interview with Mercurial's Matt Mackall
- 11.3 Обзоры и статьи
- 11.4 Внимание!
- 12 Обратная связь / Общение / Участвуйте
- 13 Благодарности
- 14 Переводы
Заметка редакторов
- Добро пожаловать в выпуск № 121 Еженедельных новостей openSUSE. Now the seventeenth Week goes to the End, and we are pleased to announce our new issue.
- Every week we have some interesting news to read, so it is difficult to decide what should go into the Weekly News. But we have finished it for this Issue. We're looking ever for new sources. If you have an own Blog, and you would like to have your Blog as new source, just write to us. Otherwise you can add your Blog into Then your Blog is aggregated by the Planet.
- Таким образом, мы надеемся, что вам понравятся новые еженедельные новости. Enjoy it...
Состояние дел
Количество для всех продуктов проекта openSUSE на этой неделе:
- Всего открытых сообщений: 4916 (-7)
- Блокирующих: 3 (+0)
- Критических: 271 (+5)
- Высоких: 893 (+4)
- Средних: 2791 (-8)
- Низких: 388 (-6)
- Улучшений: 570 (-2)
- Подробный отчет Bugzilla – Сообщить об ошибке – FAQ сообщений об ошибке
Сообщения команд
Команда службы сборки
Встреча команды сборки
- Краткие результаты встречи
Статистика службы сборки
Служба сборки размещает 12474 (+140) проектов, 93061 (+408) пакетов, 21922 (+156) репозиториев от 22673 (-68) подтверждённых пользователей.
Команда KDE
Klaas Freitag: KDE Finance Apps Group Spring Sprint
- "Yesterday started the first ever sprint of the KDE Finance Apps Group. We meet for three days and where could that better happen than in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, which is one of the larger places on the world where financial industry resides. As a matter of fact, the place where we meet is in the direct neighborhood of a quite impressive buildings of Deutsche Bank and german stock exchange ;-)
- The KDE Finance Apps Group is a group of people who have two commons: First, all of us are working on a KDE application and second the application has something to do with money. Like KMyMoney, which is a personal finance manager and Skrooge, a comparable new star on the KDE finance management sky, Assuma, a membership management software for associations and LemonPOS, a free point of sales system."
Guillaume DE BURE (gdebure): KDE Finance Sprint, take 2
- "The second day of the KDE Finance Sprint saw us doing more presentations regarding our respective applications (Kraft, KMyMoney, Skrooge), and working on two main subjects:
- Common Icon Set
- This is a task we have been wanting to finish for... long :p ! The idea is that now that these apps are part of the KDE family, they should somehow look more "oxygenish". Nuno sent us a spreadsheet where we would describe the icons we need, and Alvaro (KMyMoney), Thomas (Kraft) and myself (Skrooge) finally completed this list.
- I know the oxygen guys have enough to eat on their plates, so we are not expecting this to happen very soon, we will just be happy when it comes up =D"
Команда Mono
Мигель де Иказа (Miguel de Icaza): Mono's C# Compiler as a Service on Windows
- "The Mono team is proud to bring you a preview of C# 5.0 a few years before our friends in Building 41 do.
- A snapshot of the code is available in the file. This contains the csharp.exe C# REPL shell and the Mono.CSharp.dll compiler-as-a-service assembly."
Мигель де Иказа (Miguel de Icaza): MonoTouch and Apple's Section 3.3.1: Two Theories
- "Before April 8th, developers targeting the iPhone had to deal with this section:
- 3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs.
- The above is a pretty reasonable requirement as it gives Apple the chance to not have to maintain and support internal APIs, temporary APIs or APIs that have not fully matured."
Команда openFATE
Support C project on KDevelop4
- "KDevelop - powerful IDE for development on C/C++ (Qt), PHP and other languages. Unfortunately in 4 versions support of creation From projects (only With ++ (Qt)) and PHP (plug-in) has disappeared. The previous versions of this development environment had support of C. In the absence of this probably it is necessary to use Eclipse or Kate."
add primary user to floppy and cdrom
- "The primary user created by the installer should belong to groups floppy and cdrom .
- Use Case:
- * The user has created a document and she wants to transfer it to a floppy disk.
- * The user has two CD-ROM drives and she wants to access the other one.
- Business case (Partner benefit):
- it is hardly imaginable one would forbid oneself writing floppy disks. "
Handle variables in repo files similar to yum
- "Yum expands a set of variables in the repo files such as
- * releasever (extracted from the release file)
- * basearch
- Which allows usage of the same repo files for multiple version and architectures. "
Make "unpublish" files and removing files from :full tree easy
- "Currently it is quite complex to remove build results from public repo or :full repo tree, if you do not want to remove the source package.
- We need to extend wipebinaries call with a target for :full and :repo dir and make this easy accessable via osc and webui."
zypper in $REPO:$PACKAGE should initiate vendor change
- "If a specific repo is named in "zypper in" command this should initiate a vendor change.
- This should also include zypper in -r $REPO $PACKAGE
- I think otherwise these options are quite obsolete? "
Статистика новшеств для openSUSE 11.3:
- всего: 625 (+7)
- необработанные: 387 (+7)
- новые: 14 (+0)
- рассматриваются: 98 (-2)
- кандидаты: 4 (+0)
- готовы: 38 (+1)
- отклонены: 65 (+1)
- дубликаты: 19 (+0)
Команда тестирования
Larry Finger: Weekly Minutes from the Testing Team
- "This has been a quiet week for the team, at least as a group. Individually, we have been testing 11.3 M6 since its release on April 29. In addition, we are preparing for our next team meeting to be held May 3 в 17:00 UTC. If you interested in our group, please join us on the #opensuse-testing channel on the Freenode IRC Network -irc://"
Команда переводчиков
- С ежедневно обновляемой статистикой переводов можно ознакомиться на портале локализации openSUSE.
- Trunk Top-List – Руководство по локализации
Rajko Matovic: Amusing when you realize
- "That ... Aversion to Change applies further then GUIs, and suddenly you see your image in:
- ... the people who are the most stern advocates of normal users moving away from Windows, trying out alternatives, are the same people who are usually lost whenever they themselves have to change their way of doing things.
- or in other words "Me and the new openSUSE wiki development"."
В сообществе
Andrew Wafaa: Another outlet для openSUSE TV
- "At one of the project meetings, it was highlighted that our selected video service provider isn’t the easiest to reach from some parts of the world. So I was assigned the task of finding an alternative/complimentary service that would be acceptable.
- The decision I came to, and confirmed with others that they were happy, was to use YouTube as a complimentary service to BlipTV. So yes people we now have an Official YouTube channel. I’d like to say a huge thanks to Leslie Hawthorn for enabling this for us, and the fine folks over at Google & YoutTube. There is very little content on there at the moment, but that will change shortly as I will sync the content from BlipTV across."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - openSUSE and ARM: GSoC and Beyond
- "Jan-Simon Moeller takes us through the ARM port of openSUSE which started as a Google Summer of Code project."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Build Your Own Linux Distribution During Your Lunch Break
- "Michal Hrusecky takes us through how to quickly build your own distro based on openSUSE."
openSUSE TV: Create your own Linux Distribution
- "Jan Christoph Bornschlegel will explain briefly how you create your own openSUSE based Linux distribution installation media and Live media with the openSUSE Build Service."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - OBS and Cross Platform Packaging
- "Adrian Schroeter takes us through the OBS and how it can be used for building packages for multiple platforms."
Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): Counting down to Pengicon
- "It's only a few more days until Penguicon, North America's finest science fiction and open source software convention. I'm not only psyched to be attending, but I'm flattered beyond words to be one of this year's Guests of Honor. Penguicon runs from April 30 to May 2 at the Marriott in Troy, MI.
- There's so much to do at Penguicon I barely know where to begin. Most of the 'cons and Linux Fests I've been to have pretty firm hours, but Penguicon seems to go all day and all night. Plenty of good and geeky talks as well as tons of gaming, crafting and Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Visualizing Package Dependencies
- "Klaus Kampf takes us through package dependency hell and enables us to see how it all fits together (or should that be fall apart?)."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Making Banshee Scream Cross-Platform
- "Aaron Bockover takes us through the development of Banshee and its many faces."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Experiences with Linux kernel development in openSUSE
- "Jan Engelhardt takes us through his experiences with hacking the kernel on openSUSE."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Samba and openSUSE
- "Lars Müller takes us through interoperating with other operating systems using Samba."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Closing Keynote: Open Development in the trenches. A decade at the Apache Software Foundation
- "Gianugo Rabellino takes us through some of the Apache Foundation's history to see how governance in open source can work."
openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Legal Aspects of Distribution Development
- "Jürgen Weigert goes through the often avoided but (...)"
- 21 апреля 2010: openSUSE Встреча правления
- 22 апреля 2010: openSUSE conference kick-off meeting
- 24 апреля 2010: Linuxwochen (Linuxtage Graz), Austria
- 24 апреля 2010: Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre (FLISoL)
- 24-25 апреля 2010: LinuxFest Northwest 2010
- 24-25 апреля 2010: FOSSCOMM 2010, Thessaloniki (Greece)
- 27 апреля 2010: First openSUSE-LXDE Meeting
- 28 апреля 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- 1-2 мая 2010: oggcamp Liverpool
- 4 мая 2010: openSUSE Marketing IRC Meeting
- 5 мая 2010: Совещание по проекту openSUSE
- 5 мая 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- 5 мая 2010: openSUSE Встреча правления
- 6-8 мая 2010: Linuxwochen Wien/Austria
- 12 мая 2010: German Wiki Team Meeting
- 15 мая 2010: openSUSE Встреча команды еженедельных новостей
- Вы можете найти более подробную информацию о других мероприятиях по адресу:
- openSUSE News/Events – Local events
OpenSUSE для ваших ушей
- Еженедельные новости openSUSE доступны как Livestream или Podcast на Немецком языке. Вы можете прослушать их или загрузить на
От Ambassadors
Alex Barrios: First round of pictures from the FLISOL Venezuela
- "The experience of this year with openSUSE FLISOL this was very rewarding … Attendees were very interested in our distribution and of course “freed” a lot of machines with only openSUSE Installed.
- A lot of happy faces after they see YaST and how easy somethings are.
- Of course, the main character was our beloved “Gecko”, who captivated eyes, picking fights, tears and others because they all wanted a bit of it! xD"
Michal Hrusecky: LinuxExpo 2010
- "For those who didn't know, last week there was an event called LinuxExpo in Prague. And we off course went there with the Czech part of openSUSE Boosters team to talk about openSUSE. Other colleagues also helped with running openSUSE booth. And some of our community members we standing around talking to people as well.
- We had our HP TouchSmart machine with us (same one as we had on FOSDEM), but this time we had only one of them. But to make things more attractive for visitors, we took steering wheel with pedals with us and we had Torcs preinstalled. So people wasn't only touching our desktop and playing with camera, but also racing."
Jigish Gohil: Trophy from IBM Develothon 2010
- "Went to IBM Develothon here in Baroda(Vadodara) today, did a small presentation on openSUSE Edu Li-f-e during the “unconference”. This is what I brought home..."
Raul Libório: FLISOL - Salvador/Bahia - Brazil
- "The FLISOL Salvador/Bahia was a success. Security was the focus of most lectures."
- "Details"
На имеется 37259 (+30) не-уникальных подписчиков для всех списков рассылки.
На форумах openSUSE зарегистрировано 45239 (+740) пользователей - больше всего посетителей было 30559, 08-янв-2010 в 13:06.
4598 (+27) из 11861 (+65) зарегистрированных на User Directory контрибьюторов подписали Guiding Principles. The board has acknowledged 395 members.
Новые и обновлённые приложения для openSUSE
OBS/Petr Mladek: OpenOffice_org 3.2.1 beta3 available для openSUSE
- "Я рад объявить пакеты 3.2.1 beta3 для openSUSE. Они доступны в проекте службы сборки OpenOffice:org:UNSTABLE, are based on the upstream 3.2.1-beta sources and include many Go-oo fixes and improvements. Пожалуйста, посмотрите более подробную информацию о сборке openSUSE OOo на wiki странице.
- The packages are beta versions and might include even serious bugs. Поэтому они не предназначены для использования с критическими данными. Архивирование важных данных перед использованием является хорошей практикой, …
- As usual, we kindly ask any interested beta testers to try the package and report bugs. See also the list of known bugs."
Packman: ogre
- "OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware-accelerated 3D graphics.
- The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes."
Packman: aMuleAdu-CVS
- "aMule ( is a peer to peer file sharing client, based on the well known eMule. Starting with 2.0.0 aMule works on Linux, Mac, *BSD and Windows, which makes it the first multi-platform edonkey network client. aMule-AdunanzA is the mod of aMule dedicated to Fastweb ISP users."
Packman: Miro
- "Miro is a free application that turns your computer into an internet TV video player.
- It's a free, open source Internet TV and video player that can automatically download videos from RSS-based channels. Features a built-in BitTorrent client."
Обновления безопасности
Для просмотра полных объявлений безопасности, или для получения их по мере выхода, обращайтесь к списку рассылки openSUSE Security Announce.
SUSE Security Summary Report: SUSE-SR:2010:010
- Solved Security Vulnerabilities:
- krb5
- clamav
- systemtap
- apache2
- glib2
- mediawiki
- apache
Kernel Review
h-online/Thorsten Leemhuis: Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.34 (2 часть) - File Systems
- "Version 2.6.34 of the Linux kernel will be the first to support the Ceph and LogFS file systems. A number of changes to the Btrfs and XFS code promise improved performance. The kernel should now be better at working with drives with 4 KB logical sectors."
Советы и приемы
Для пользователей рабочих столов
Make Tech Easier/Tavis J. Hampton: How to Use KDE’s Clipboard and Klipper App
- "The clipboard is one of the oldest and most important features of desktop computing. With it, you can temporarily store pictures, images, and even file information in the system’s memory, and then copy or move that information to a new destination.
- KDE has an advanced clipboard system, largely due to a small program called Klipper, which can store more than one piece of data. KDE also has the ability to copy and move files with copying and pasting, and automatic creation of files using clipboard data."
Для пользователей командной строки
ITworld/Sandra Henry-Stocker: How-To: Grep Tricks for Linux Users
- "The first of these tricks allows you to create a list of files that contain whatever string you are looking for. It uses the -l (list just the file names, not the matched content) option plus the -r option for recursing through subdirectories. This can help you find files that you might be looking for without distracting you with all the reasons particular files matched your search criteria."
Для разработчиков и программистов
Stefan Seyfried: Rebuilding a single kernel module
- "Due to Bug 596844, I had to rebuild the i915 module with a patch. I have done things like that quite often over the last years, and every time I have to dig through the documentation, so I’ll put it up here in the hope that I’ll find it easier in the future and that it might be useful for somebody else ;)"
Для системных администраторов
Petr Baudis: Fixing NTP Refusing to Sync
- "I have just been confronted by NTP absolutely refusing to touch my system’s clock. The trouble with NTP is that it is absolute PITA to debug it at all since when it does not get in sync with its peers, it goes at great lengths to make its reasons as incomprehensible as possible.
- For some reason, my system had absolutely massive drift – something in the order of half a second per minute, making the clock drift by several tens of minutes per day. So I installed NTP and hoped that it would magically fix up the issue, but it turns out that NTP by itself is absolutely unhelpful not only in cases of big offset, but also in cases of big drift – it will fix your clock when it is slightly inaccurate, but not when it is inaccurate a lot (…that is, when you would want to use it all the more)." Collecting and analyzing Linux kernel crashes - crash
- "Welcome to the sixth article in the long series on Kernel crash collection and analysis. We have started the series with LKCD, an older utility, followed by a very long review of Kdump, both of which are available as PDF guides, free for download. Next, we learned about new features and changes in the Kdump setup and functionality on openSUSE 11.2 and CentOS 5.4. Now, it's time to start processing the collected memory cores.
- Today, we will do just that. Learn how to use the crash utility to open the dumped memory cores, collected at the time of kernel crashes, and read the information contained therein. Please note that this article focuses mainly on being able to use and process the crash dumps. We will focus on the crash analysis more deeply in the next tutorial. "
Планета SUSE
Jakub Steiner: Symbolic Moment
- "It was almost 9 years ago when the first ever scalable icon theme Gorilla came to be. One of the things I imagined to happen soon after was that the icon theme would inherit the colors from the widget theme to really feel integrated. That part never happened. Until now. But this time it’s not for the default theme and not because of visual integration. In fact, with 2.30 we seemingly stepped back from SVG and started using bitmaps when we introduced the high resolution icons."
Shayon Mukherjee: Part 1 – openSUSE team categorization
- "Some of you crazy minds must have guessed from the topic and to the rest I’ll explain ;) . Yes , this is regard to the latest Team categorization process in the new Wiki instance . For the past few days myself along with rest of the community members ( P.M for a list :) ) have been working on this process and finally came up with something presentable . I know this is not 100% yet , so we require your suggestions and ideas. If you have something to say leave a comment or directly can contact me . By end of this week I plan to announce the page officially so send me your views quick . But I can be flexible on this , that said I am in no hurry.
- Feel free to contact me on my work email , if you are not clear with something . . ."
Michael Andres: libzyppp-7.4: Cleanup when deleting packages
- "libzyppp-7.4 introduces a new /etc/zypp/zypp.conf option: (...)"
Klaus Kämpf: Satsolver bindings documentation available
- "One of the outstanding features of openSUSE is the Sat solver for package dependency resolution.
- Somewhat unknown to most developers, Satsolver provides bindings for the three major scripting languages: Perl, Python and Ruby. The bindings provide an easy way to learn about the Satsolver API, to explore package metadata and play what-if scenarios installing, updating and deleting packages.
- The bindings are created using SWIG together with an application layer on top of the raw libsatsolver. The focus is on usability and support of the scripting language, while hiding internals of the Satsolver implementation. (...)"
Форумы openSUSE
Partitioner gone Haywire
- "If you don't really understand partitioning in the first place, it's probably not wise to start acting like you do."
Kaffeine not working.
- "Yet another reminder of the need to simplify your repos and then follow the multi-media guide carefully. A simple pointer to the versioning sorted this one."
Updater hangs, Can't Update.
- "This will put a smile on your face. I guess the moral of the story is 'back to the basics'. If we do that and still get it wrong, we have only ourself to blame."
A Success Story
- "I like happy campers. We need more of them. With openSUSE 11.2 you get a great OS and support in the forum too."
В сети
AnnouncementАндреас Пакулат (Andreas Pakulat): KDevelop 4.0 Stable Released into the Wild
- "The KDevelop Hackers are proud and happy to announce that KDevelop 4.0 is finally available as a stable release. Released together is the first version of KDevelop PHP plugins, which make KDevelop a very interesting option for PHP developers."
ars technica/Ryan Paul: MeeGo mobile Linux will also do laptops and desktops
- "Intel has revealed that it is developing a variant of the Linux-based MeeGo operating system that will run on conventional desktop and laptop computers. This move could substantially broaden MeeGo's scope, transforming it from a mobile platform into a general purpose Linux distro.
- The open source MeeGo project emerged earlier this year when Intel and Nokia combined their respective mobile Linux platforms. MeeGo, which is endorsed by the Linux Foundation, aims to reduce fragmentation in the mobile ecosystem by providing a vendor-neutral Linux platform that supports a number of different hardware architectures and form factors. It is designed for mobile and embedded computing, with heavy optimization for ARM processors and Intel's Atom chips."
LinuxPlanet/Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): NetworkManager a Solid Tool with New Features
- "Applications like Firefox and get all the glory. They're highly visible as cornerstone applications of the free desktop. But what about the background apps that do the grunt work and sit silently in the background, ignored unless we run into a bug? One of the vital, yet unsung, applications Linux users depend on is NetworkManager."
IBM developerWorks/Roderick W. Smith: Linux on 4KB-sector disks: Practical advice
- "Starting в декабре 2009, hard disk manufacturers began introducing disks that use 4096-byte sectors rather than the more common 512-byte sectors. Although this change is masked by firmware that breaks the 4096-byte physical sectors into 512-byte logical sectors for the benefit of the operating system, the use of larger physical sectors has implications for disk layout and system performance. This article examines these implications, including benchmark tests illustrating the likely real-world effects on some common Linux® file systems. As disks with 4096-byte sectors become more common throughout 2010 and beyond, strategies for coping with these new disks will become increasingly important."
Siliconrepublic/John Kennedy: Novell claims to have hit 5,000 Linux app jackpot
- "Network software giant Novell has claimed it is the first Linux vendor to achieve 5,000 certified ISV applications and has increased its Linux market share against Red Hat, according to IDC.
- The company said its independent software vendor (ISV) and partner ecosystem for supporting intelligent workload management has helped drive SUSE Linux Enterprise adoption."
Ostatic/Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): Interview with Mercurial's Matt Mackall
- "Recently, Mercurial author Matt Mackall has decided to try to devote his full time to working on the distributed source control tool. He's doing this by seeking funding from companies that use Mercurial or sell Mercurial-based products.
- To find out where Mackall is planning to take Mercurial development, and the state of the project today, we asked if he'd be willing to answer a few questions. Here's what we found out."
Обзоры и статьи
Journal of an Open Sourcesee/OgMaciel: GNOME: Week in Review: April 18th – 23rd, 2010
- "Here’s what happened this week:
- Quotes to brighten your day
- Kind of ironic how my post titled “Stop whining and improve your life” attracted so much negativity in the comments area. From the “Useful Django Tip” Department: Reset The Admin Password
- This comes straight from the Useful Django Tip department: How do you reset the admin password for a Django project when you’ve forgotten it?"
h-online: The H Week - Microsoft's Android patents, HP gets Palm, Symantec gets PGP and Ubuntu 10.04 arrives
- "In the past week, Canonical released Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, HP bought Palm, HTC got an Android patent licence from Microsoft, Symantec acquired PGP Corporation and GuardianEdge, McAfee offered compensation for a bad update and Microsoft open sourced its StyleCop code analysis tool."
US-CERT Cyber Security Alert SA10-103C -- Adobe Reader and Acrobat Vulnerabilities
- "Systems Affected
* Adobe Reader 9.3.1 and earlier 9.x versions * Adobe Reader 8.2.1 and earlier versions * Adobe Acrobat 9.3.1 and earlier 9.x versions* Adobe Acrobat 8.2.1 and earlier versions"
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- saigkill Обсуждение - Вклад Саша Маннс (Sascha Manns) (Editor in Chief)
- Dl9pf Обсуждение - Вклад Jan-Simon Möller (Second Editor in Chief, Main-Newsletter)
- STS301 Обсуждение - Вклад Sebastian Schöbinger (Советы и приемы)
- HeliosReds Обсуждение - Вклад Satoru Matsumoto (Editorial Office)
- Caf4926 Обсуждение - Вклад Carl Fletcher (Основные новости, Форумы Sec.)
- Okuro Обсуждение - Вклад Thomas Hofstätter (События и встречи)
- Pastakhov Обсуждение - Вклад Павел Астахов (Перевод на русский язык)
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