Archive:Еженедельные новости 120

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Добро пожаловать в выпуск № 120 Еженедельных новостей openSUSE. Now the sixteenth Week goes to the End, and we are pleased to announce our new issue. Last Week started the openSUSE Kernel Review, and we're pleased to announce our new report from the testing Team. Мы желаем вам много радости, при чтении этого номера ...



First openSUSE-LXDE Meeting

"Andrea Florio, the openSUSE LXDE champion, would like to invite you to participate and join the fun of LXDE in the first openSUSE-LXDE irc meeting.
The first openSUSE LXDE meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th April, в 15:00 UTC. For a local time please see here."

Состояние дел


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LinuxJournal/Ross Larson: Working With Suse Studio

"Videocast about Working with SUSE Studio"

SUSE Studio: Welcome to the SUSE Studio blog!

"Welcome! We're launching this blog to talk about SUSE Studio, upcoming features, appliances, robots, and nifty things that people are doing with SUSE Studio. We've been doing this sort of thing on Twitter (and will continue) and plan to write more in-depth on this blog.
Currently, we are working on a lot of exciting features, and can't wait to share some of this neat stuff with you — and we're looking forward to your feedback, also!"

SUSE Studio: New features: base distribution upgrade and appliance notes

"We just launched two new features this week: upgrading appliance base distributions and appliance notes.
Base distribution upgrade
If you have been using SUSE Studio for a while, you most likely have older appliances built on openSUSE 11.1. Before today, you had the choice of sticking with openSUSE 11.1 or redo all of the software selection and configuration on top of a new openSUSE 11.2 appliance."


Количество для всех продуктов проекта openSUSE на этой неделе:

Сообщения команд

Команда службы сборки


OBS MeeGo Developer Meeting

"OBS Developers from MeeGo project visited the SUSE OBS Developers in Nürnberg on friday and saturday. Not everybody managed to come due to the ash over europe, but at least
  -Anas Nashif from Intel
  -Alexander(Sasha) Kanevskiy from Nokia
  -Martin Mohring from Linux Foundation
  -Jan-Simon Möller from Linux Foundation
  -Andreas Jaeger from Novell/SUSE
  -Michael Schröder from Novell/SUSE
  -Adrian Schröter from Novell/SUSE
spoke about a lot of features and wanted design changes in OBS. The MeeGo project uses OBS to create their packages and products in similar setup and with needs as openSUSE. In short this is having multiple code streams, which are used to create multiple products, which require maintenance updates and QA validations. This give us plenty areas of collaboration and makes us hoping to drive OBS in a good direction for all of us."

Jan Kupec: zypper-1.4.2: rewritten package selection code

"Zypper has undergone a major refactoring of its package selection code recently. This was mainly to enable automatic testing and to make it easier and safer to add new features.
I'll submit zypper 1.4.2 including this change to Factory soon. It seems to work fine for the most part, but if you spot something that used to work for you in 1.4.1, please let us know via bugzilla. Don't forget to attach both zypper.log and solver test case."

Встреча команды службы сборки

"Результаты встречи команды службы сборки"

openSUSE Build Service (OBS) 1.7.3 released

"The Build Service Team is proud to release the version 1.7.3 of OBS. It is recommended to update to this version for everybody who is running an own OBS instance. Instances which re-use resources from instance are required to update to support the new required "rpm-md-legacy" repository mode. Publishing repositories for older distributions will fail otherwise."

Marcus Hüwe: osc 0.126

"I just submitted the new osc 0.126 release to the openSUSE:Tools project. The new packages should be available soon at"

Статистика службы сборки

Служба сборки размещает 12334 (+140) проектов, 92653 (+195) пакетов, 21766 (+179) репозиториев от 22741 (+154) подтверждённых пользователей.

Команда KDE


Klaas Freitag (dragotin): Kraft 0.40 for KDE 4 Released

"I am very happy to announce the new stable version 0.40 of the KDE office software Kraft. After eleven month of porting work, Kraft 0.40 is the first version which is based on the KDE 4 software platform. Huge changes on the codebase of Kraft happened to benefit from the new technology of KDE 4 and after long long hours of work, we’re there :-)
Basically the new version equals the last KDE 3 version feature wise beside some changes which aim to make Kraft even more convenient to explore for unexperienced users. We got much feedback that the setup with MySQL was to complicated for people who just want to do a quick test. So we had to do something about that. The alternative was the clever run-mysql-as-the-user method just like Akonadi does it, but still the dependency on MySQL remains with that solution. So I went for SQLite, because its seemed so easy. Well, SQLite did not convince me completely yet, but it is working for Kraft."

Mehrdad Momeny (mtux): A new plugin system for Choqok

"During last week I was working on a new plugin system for Choqok, It’s idea was in my mind for about 2 months, But now, It’s ready to use, and develop plugins for it. Choqok supports image uploading to Twitpic since early versions, and supports Media attachment in Identica/Statusnet service since latest Beta release. But, There are so many image/video uploading services out there! what if we want to support them too!?"

KDE Результаты встречи

"Результаты встречи"

Команда Mono

Mono project logo.png

Мигель де Иказа (Miguel de Icaza): MonoMac Bindings: Blending Cocoa and .NET on OSX

"Today we released MonoMac, a new foundation for building Cocoa applications on OSX using Mono.
MonoMac is the result of years of experimentation in blending .NET with Objective-C and is inspired by the same design principles that we used for MonoTouch.
It is also the result of weekend hacking as our day to day work revolves around Mono's efforts on Linux servers, Linux desktops, Visual Studio integration and our mobile efforts. Luckily, it shares some components with MonoTouch."

Команда openFATE


Remove HAL support from libzypp and YaST

Show history of accepted requests in webui for a project or package.

Include Bibus, a bibliography tool that interacts with Openoffice via UNO

NetworkManager 0.81


Статистика новшеств для openSUSE 11.3:

  • всего: 618 (+14)
  • необработанные: 380 (+11)
  • новые: 14 (+2)
  • рассматриваются: 100 (+0)
  • кандидаты: 4 (+1)
  • готовы: 37 (+0)
  • отклонены: 64 (+0)
  • дубликаты: 19 (+0)
Более подробная информация на openFATE

Команда тестирования

Suse Box.png

Guest Blog: Testing Team Minutes (Week 16)

"The openSUSE Testing Core Team (TCT) has been asked to contribute to the Weekly News on a regular basis. We are grateful for the opportunity.
The TCT is a group of 25 volunteers that are charged with helping the openSUSE developers test each new release. Our objectives and membership are given on our wiki site:"

Команда переводчиков



В сообществе


Alex Barrios: Only a few days for the FLISOL in Venezuela

"Venezuelan Linux community is finishing all the preparations for the April 24, the day that all Latin America celebrate the FLISOL, Latin American Festival of Free Software Installation.
Through the sponsorship of Novell, the collaboration of ambassadors from other distributions, and GoSVe, the user group from Venezuela openSUSE, our distro will be present in all the sites of the great event of free software in the region, giving away DVD’s, LiveCD’s, stickers, t-shirts, and more."

Dorian Pula: Migrating to openSUSE

"If you’ve followed my dents on, you may have noticed that I asked people for their recommendations for a good KDE4 Linux distribution. Well after a bit of thought I decided that I would move away from Kubuntu to openSUSE. Why the change?"

openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Meet the openSUSE Board

"The openSUSE Board host an open discussion about the Board. In attendance were Michael Loeffler, Henne Vogelsgang, Pascal Bleser, Stephen Shaw and Bryen Yunashko - Pavol Rusnak was unable to make the discussion due to him dealing with the mini RPM Summit"

openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Open Source Contribution: How Chinese Students Enjoy Open Source

"Coly Li explains a bit on how some Chinese students participate and enjoy Open Source and use openSUSE."

openSUSE TV: openSUSE Conference 2009 - Building Moblin, the openSUSE way

"Anas Nashif from Intel, gives us more of an insight into Moblin and how Intel & the Linux Foundation use the OBS to create it."

Martin Schlander: – status report

"Today it was five months ago that I announced the availability of, and soon I’ll begin updating it для openSUSE 11.3, so it’s a good time for a quick status report.
Since the initial announcement the guide has had a few improvements including short, embedded screencasts using html5+Ogg Theora, demonstrating how to install packages, adding repositories and basic terminal usage.
The guide has been averaging steadily at about 230 unique visitors per day in the entire 5 month period. By far the most of the visitors are American, Germans are second, while the Danes, the British and the Russians are nearly tied for third place. Around 70% of the visitors are using a GNU/Linux operating system."

Люди из OpenSUSE

People of openSUSE: Andrew Wafaa

"Aloha, I’m Andrew Wafaa. Most people call me Andy or Wafaa. I’m a married, father of three living in the UK. I’m a Scotsman born and bred in Aberdeen (The Granite City), but have some Egyptian blood in me, this led to my old General Manager calling me a “Camel Herder With A Skirt”, which stuck with me ever since.
Professionally I’m a Solutions Architect mainly dealing with SLES for one of the big service providers. The title is all grand but I basically pen push now and do a load of documentation which is really boring. Thankfully openSUSE is there to keep me alive and interested in life ;-) "




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На имеется 37229 (-33) не-уникальных подписчиков для всех списков рассылки.
На форумах openSUSE зарегистрировано 44499 (+271) пользователей - больше всего посетителей было 30559, 08-янв-2010 в 13:06.


4571 (+54) из 11796 (+132) зарегистрированных на User Directory контрибьюторов подписали Guiding Principles. Совет утвердил 395 (+0) членов сообщества.

Новые и обновлённые приложения для openSUSE


Packman: qmmp

"Эта программа является ауди-плеером, написанной с помощью библиотеки Qt. Пользовательский интерфейс похож на XMMS или Winamp."
  • Вы можете найти другие интересные пакеты по адресу:
  • PackmanOBS

Обновления безопасности


Для просмотра полных объявлений безопасности, или для получения их по мере выхода, обращайтесь к списку рассылки openSUSE Security Announce.

Advance discontinuation notice для openSUSE 11.0

Dear opensuse-security-announce subscribers and openSUSE users,
SUSE Security announces that openSUSE 11.0 will be discontinued soon. Having provided security-relevant fixes for two years, we will stop releasing updates after June 30th 2010 (in 2 months).
As a consequence, the openSUSE 11.0 distribution directory on our server will be removed from /distribution/11.0/ to free space on our mirror sites. The 11.0 directory in the update tree /update/11.0 will follow, as soon as all updates have been published. Also the openSUSE buildservice repositories building openSUSE 11.0 will be removed.

SUSE Security Announcement: acroread (SUSE-SA:2010:022)

  • Пакет: acroread
  • ID объявления: SUSE-SA:2010:022
  • Дата: Ср, 21 апр 2010 11:00:00 +0000
  • Относится к продуктам: openSUSE 11.0
  • openSUSE 11.1
  • openSUSE 11.2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP2
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11

Kernel Review


h-online/Thorsten Leemhuis: Kernel Log - Coming in 2.6.34 (1 часть) - Network Support

"Expected for release in May, Linux kernel version 2.6.34 contains several new network drivers and various advancements designed to improve network performance or increase network configuration flexibility, which will particularly impact virtualisation.
"The development of 2.6.34 has been slightly less smooth than usual: First, Torvalds baffled many developers with a shorter merge window, then RC2 was released comparatively late and included more changes than usual; furthermore, both versions contained significant problems, as Torvalds had to admit when releasing RC3. RC4 has now been released after two weeks, longer than the normal weekly release cycle. Torvalds explained that this was due to "hunting a really annoying VM regression"."

Linux Weekly News: Kernel prepatch 2.6.34-rc5

"The 2.6.34-rc5 prepatch is out. "Random fixes all around. The most noticeable (for people who got hit by it) may be the fix for bootup problems that some people had (ACPI dividing by zero: kernel bugzilla 15749), but there's stuff all over. The shortlog gives some idea." Said shortlog is in the announcement, or see the full changelog for all the details. For added fun, this release has a new code name: "Sheep on meth.""

Guest Blog: Kernel Review with openSUSE Flavor (Week 16)

"Guest Blog from Rares Aioanai: Howdy y’all! Welcome to this week’s edition of hot kernel news! Let’s get to it : (...)"

Советы и приемы


Для пользователей командной строки

nixCraft/Vivek Gite: 10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX Shell Scripts

"There are some misconceptions that shell scripts are only for a CLI environment. You can easily use various tools to write GUI and/or network (socket) scripts under KDE or Gnome desktops. Shell scripts can make use of some of the GUI widget (menus, warning boxs, progress bars etc). You can always control the final output, cursor position on screen, various output effects, and so on. With the following tools you can build powerful, interactive, user friendly UNIX / Linux bash shell scripts."
If you want to try notify-send command on openSUSE, install libnotify package instead of libnotify.bin. ;-)

Peteris Krumins: Another Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained

"Another week and another top ten one-liners from commandlinefu explained.
This is the third post in the series already, covering one-liners 21-30. See the previous two posts for the introduction of the series and one-liners 1-20:
* Part I: Top Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained
* Part II: The Next Ten One-Liners from CommandLineFu Explained"

Alex Barrios: Encrypt your files quick n’ dirty

"Encrypt a file can be useful when we want to keep sensitive information but do not trust the site is being stored.
GnuPG allows to quickly and easily create encrypted files without the use of public keys or complicated procedures, just run the following at a Linux terminal:
$ gpg -c test.txt _
Enter Password:
Repeat Password:
$ _

Для разработчиков и программистов

Ars Technica/Ryan Paul: Tutorial: consuming Twitter's real-time stream API in Python

"Twitter is preparing to launch several impressive new features, including a new streaming API that will give desktop client applications real-time access to the user's message timeline. The new streaming API was announced last week at Twitter's Chirp conference, where it was made available to conference attendees on-site for some preliminary experimentation. Twitter opened it up to the broader third-party developer community on Monday so that programmers can begin testing it to offer informed feedback."

Для системных администраторов

Uwe Gansert: AutoYaST and it's Tools

""Al: Didn't you study the manual at all? Tim: A real man doesn't need a manual. "
Because my last article was for the experts, this is more for the AutoYaST-newbies again. It's not about AutoYaST itself but about the tools that orbit around it."

Christopher Hobbs: Novell Client on openSUSE 11.2

"This has been covered on a couple of forums out there, but I’ve yet to find a decent comprehensive post. This is for 32bit systems, it’s easily modified for 64bit setups.
First off, search your favorite RPM repo for binutils-2.19-9.3. I like to use, but at the time of writing, they happen to be down.
Get a copy of the Novell Client ISO from and mount it:"

Планета SUSE


Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): Where's the Summer of Documentation?

"If you ask what's missing from open source software, one of the top responses is often "documentation." While there's piles and piles of great code stuffed up on Google Code,, and others, the actual documentation to accompany it is often lacking. This is why it's doubly sad to keep seeing bounty programs aimed at generating more and more code, and more and more coders, but very little being done to address documentation."

Саша Маннс (Sascha Manns): Medical Task Force: GNUmed 0.7.1 (electronic medical record) available!

"I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of GNUmed 0.7.1 (server v13.1). GNUmed is an electronic medical record application.
This release features a rather unexpected new functionality: visual progress notes. Those are sketches/images (such as visual markers onto templates or clinical photographs) standing side by side with the clinical narrative of any given encounter."

Форумы openSUSE


Grub/Grub2 Ubuntu and openSUSE?

"The grub2 ubuntu questions continue to roll in, as users mix distros and Ub* latest release is no exception. You can easily use grub 2 to boot openSUSE or equally you can use grub legacy to boot Ub*."

Changing Directory

"Sometimes it's a simple as ABC to get a user on track."

How to access remote media?

"Some handy info here for folk using a media directory on a remote server. @swerdna offers good advice as always."

openSUSE updater not working

"Not seeing updates for a long period, this user finds no repos listed.Some simple adjustments will put that right. It would be good to make sure you don't delete them again too."

В сети



Wine Version 1.1.43

"What's new in this release (see below for details):
 - A number of new icons.
 - Improved support for alpha channel in bitmaps.
 - Many Direct3D fixes and optimizations.
 - More complete msvcr80/90 implementations.
 - A wide range of 64-bit fixes.
 - Various bug fixes."

Linuxfoundation: Announcing the 2010 were linux video winners

"I am pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 We’re Linux Video Contest. We had quite a few amazing videos to choose from, many of which captured the spirit of Linux."

Приглашение к участию

FrOSCon: Call for Papers

"Official Call for Papers"

TechSource/jun auza: The $100.00 (USD) Coolest Linux Workspace Contest

"After posting the 15 Cool and Unique Linux Desktop Workspaces, I decided to officially launch today "The $100.00 (USD) Coolest Linux Workspace Contest". This contest is open to everyone who can show and tell us something about his/her cool and unique Linux workstation setup."


ServerWatch/Sean Michael Kerner: IBM Adopts Novell's Linux OS for Lotus, Websphere Appliances

"IBM is turning to technology from Novell to build Linux OS powered software appliances -- a move that aims to deliver easy-to-deploy software for physical, virtual and cloud-based environments in use at small to midsized businesses.
The new software appliances deliver solutions for IBM Lotus, Websphere and Cognos software applications. Specifically, IBM will be offering software appliances for the IBM Lotus Foundations collaboration suite as well as the Lotus Protector for Mail Security. IBM's WebSphere Application Server is also benefiting with a software appliance aimed at virtualized environments, while Big Blue is ramping up its analytics offerings with appliances for its Cognos Now! and IBM Smart Analytics Optimizer packages."

Обзоры и статьи

People of KDE: Interview with Thiago Macieira

"Hello again for another interview with KDE people. Last time we had Aleix Pol with us. Now it is time for Thiago Macieira. One of the first KDE developers, he is still working towards world domination at Qt Software as he will explain to us in the interview. For the Italian readers here is the original interview." Updegrove: Oracle's ODF Plug-in Pricing: What's up with That?

"When news of Oracle's intended acquisition of Sun Microsystems broke long ago, many people wondered what that would mean for OpenOffice, the most widely adopted full desktop implementation of ODF. But Oracle immediately imposed a company-wide "no comment" policy on that topic, so everyone has been wondering what the answer might be ever since.
So like many others, I expect, I’m trying to get my brain around Oracle’s reasoning in deciding to charge $90 for a formerly free ODF conversion plug-in developed by Sun Microsystems. That downloadable plug-in was intended for Microsoft Office users who wanted to import ODF-compliant documents created, most obviously, by users of the free, open source (OOo) version, or of Sun’s StarOffice, the for-sale, supported productivity suite based on the free OOo code.
Moreover, it’s not just $90 you’ll need to fork over – the plug-in is only available in packages of 100."


US-CERT Current Activity - VideoLAN Releases Security Advisory for VLC Media Player

"VideoLAN has released a security advisory to address multiple vulnerabilities in VLC Media Player. These vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial-of-service condition.
US-CERT encourages users and administrators to review VideoLAN security advisory VideoLAN-SA-1003 and apply any necessary updates or workarounds to help mitigate the risks."

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