Archive:Еженедельные новости 117
- 1 Заметка редакторов
- 2 Анонс
- 3 В сообществе
- 4 Состояние дел
- 5 Советы и приемы
- 5.1 Для пользователей командной строки
- 5.2 Для разработчиков и программистов
- 5.3 Для системных администраторов
- 5.3.1 Masim Sugianto: How To : Samba PDC+OpenLDAP on openSUSE/SLES Part 1
- 5.3.2 Masim Sugianto: User Account Integration between Samba PDC & Zimbra Mail Server on openSUSE/SLES
- 5.3.3 Masim Sugianto: Zimbra Mail Server with External Authentication using Samba PDC+OpenLDAP
- 5.3.4 The Geek Stuff/Sathiya Moorthy: UNIX / Linux: 10 Netstat Command Examples
- 5.3.5 HowtoForge/Falko Timme: Virtual Hosting With PureFTPd And MySQL (Incl. Quota And Bandwidth Management) On OpenSUSE 11.2
- 5.3.6 nixCraft/Vivek Gite: Linux / UNIX: Encrypt Backup Tape Using Tar & OpenSSL
- 6 Новые и обновлённые приложения для openSUSE
- 7 Уголок проектов
- 8 Планета SUSE
- 8.1 Robert Schweikert: Into the Cloud
- 8.2 Holger Hetterich: The future of SMB Traffic Analyzer – introducing protocol version 2
- 8.3 Andrew Wafaa: Blogged about: Community Discussion - Part 3
- 8.4 James Ogley: The N900: My experiences
- 8.5 Pascal Bleser: openSUSE FAIL page
- 8.6 Thomas Biege: SELinux and openSUSE 11.3
- 9 Форумы openSUSE
- 10 В сети
- 11 Прошедшие события и встречи
- 12 Грядущие события и встречи
- 13 Обновления безопасности
- 14 Статистика
- 15 Обратная связь / Общение / Участвуйте
- 16 Благодарности
- 17 Переводы
Заметка редакторов
- Welcome to issue # 117 of openSUSE Weekly News. This week, there were many big news around FLOSS world. The SCO's war against Novell is finished. SCO is bought for some over $4 Million to Linus Tovalds. Linus Torvalds changes the name of Linux to: GNU/Linux.
- But now we're happy to present you our brand new issue of openSUSE Weekly News. Have a lot of fun...
Novell Wins Again - Jury Rules Copyrights Didn't Go to SCO!
- "It's over. The jury has found that the copyrights did not go to SCO under the APA or anything else. The verdict is in. Novell has the news up on their website already, but I heard it from Chris Brown also. Here's the brief Novell statement:
- Today, the jury in the District Court of Utah trial between SCO Group and Novell issued a verdict.
- Novell is very pleased with the jury's decision confirming Novell's ownership of the Unix copyrights, which SCO had asserted to own in its attack on Linux. Novell remains committed to promoting Linux, including by defending Linux on the intellectual property front.
- This decision is good news for Novell, for Linux, and for the open source community."
Klaas Freitag: Announce: openSUSE Beego
- "The openSUSE distribution is the perfect base for specialized projects focusing on a certain area of application. Today, I am happy to announce the start of the openSUSE Beego project and ask you to join in and help to bring it to a success, because we rely on your support and enthusiasm.
- What is openSUSE Beego about? Beego is the perfect customized linux distribution for beekeepers who want to manage their bees on a by today never unreached level. With openSUSE Beego we focus on key features like KHive, the management software for the beeyard, the bluetooth based Weightwatch to monitor the hive weigt and of course GHoney, which takes its users to a new level of honey blending by the latest Computer Aided Honey Blending Technology (CAHBT). The latest release of Queen on Rails, a web based bee queen marking and scheduling software is preinstalled and -configured. (...)"
Pascal Bleser: Planet openSUSE #2
- "I've been hacking on a new openSUSE planet aggregator installment these days (the current one being
- If you're interested, please have a look at the current draft and send me feedback.
- да, I know, it's not finished:
- * currently missing the non-English versions
- * the feed list on the right is not properly styled yet
- * probably needs more testing with aggregated content that.
- * only tested with Firefox 3.6
- * not tested with text mode browsers (lynx, w3m) yet either"
Pascal Bleser: Planet openSUSE #2.1
- "As I just recently blogged about, I'm busy on a facelift of PlanetSUSE.
- I made some more progress, and it's almost ready for production:
- * improved style
- * proper feed list (on a separate page)
- * vim-like keyboard navigation (j, k)
- * hackergotchis and speaking bubbles on the right (matter of taste, I guess)
- * tested on w3m (works great)
- * the feed list aggregates feeds by name"
В сообществе
Lenz Grimmer: Upcoming speaking engagements: Grazer Linuxtage and amoocon
- "As I already wrote, I will be speaking at the MySQL Conference & Expo in Santa Clara in two weeks and I am excited to be there again. This year's conference is going to be interesting for a number of reasons, but most importantly I think that the schedule looks great! This is going to be a "drinking from the firehose of MySQL knowledge" event. Afterwards, I'll be on parental leave in May and June, so I likely will miss a lot of great conferences – these months are usually quite packed, as our Open Source Events Calendar can confirm. I just received a notice that my talk submission to OSCON has been rejected, which currently leaves me with two more speaking engagements in the upcoming weeks: (...)"
Alexander Naumov: Russian openSUSE community
- "Я хотел бы поделиться своими предположениями о успехе русского openSUSE сообщества, а так же попробовать ответить на вопрос по поводу ее столь высокой популярности. Статистика показывает, что мы занимаем одно из первых мест:
- Причиной столь высокой популяроности дистрибутива в Германии является тот факт, что это немецкий дистрибутив, и центр разработки сосредоточен в Нюрнберге. В США этот дистрибутив столь популярен из-за того, что Novell - это американская компания, следовательно английский язык в системе по умолчанию. Почему же так много людей в России выбирают openSUSE?
- Хороший вопрос. Одними из главных факторов, влияющих на выбор дистрибутива, является его качество локализации. Глобальное сообщество главным образом влияет на качество дистрибутива, например на стабильность и удобство, а локальное делает его более пригодным именно для русскоговорящего пользователя (конечно же члены локального сообщества могут так же входить и в глобальное). (...)"
Состояние дел
Distribution Schedule
30th of March
* Milestone: Feature and version freeze for the base system * Milestone: Kernel and install works on most targeted machines.
9th April:
* Milestone: installation workflow is feature frozen * Proofreading of all software starts so that we have a new baseline. * Milestone: Feature and version freeze for the complete distribution (exception: patchlevel update of leaf packages until Beta1+) * Milestone: All features are coding and function complete. * Milestone: Kernel and install works on all targeted machines. * Milestone: Last round of software translation starts - "hard text freeze"
22nd April:
* Milestone: Patchlevel update of granted packages finished. Leaf packages and packages not on DVD are usually granted without much discussion. "
Служба сборки
Build Service Team Meeting
- Краткие результаты встречи
Wiki / Информация / События
Novell OpenPR/John Dragoon
- "I’ve now attended six BrainShares and I’ve learned something new at each one. This time on the personal connection to brands, not assuming that you are communicating, and getting back to basics:
- As the most visible and public way for folks to demonstrate how passionate they are about Novell, Brainshare grew over the years into a very important part of the relationship between the company, our customers, and our partners."
Советы и приемы
Для пользователей командной строки
Holger Macht: z-shell (zsh) completion for osc and zypper
- "When working with the openSUSE distribution, there are a couple of tools you have to deal with over and over again. Two of them are osc and zypper. The first one to build or fix packages, the latter to install, remove or update them. Using one of those tools on a regular basis? Read on…
- …but to make this post actually useful for you, there needs to be another prerequisite: You need to use zsh as your primary shell. And I hope you do. If not, you should definitely put this on your TODO list. (...)" 'Zonker' Brockmeier: Learning GNU Text Utilities
- " A few weeks ago we looked at some of the GNU utilities that you can use to work with files, check MD5/SHA1 sums and check your disk usage. This time around I want to cover some of the utilities that you'll use for working with text files.
- Why text files, specifically? Well, if you're doing much work at the shell on Linux, you'll start encountering a lot of text or files that can behave like text. Log files, configuration files and output from many commands can all be manipulated with the GNU textutils."
Для разработчиков и программистов
Hans Petter Jansson: Hash Table Shootout!
- "It’s gratifying to see GHashTable faring not-too-badly against an assortment of other hash table implementations in Nick Welch’s excellent benchmarks. I did some work on this previously, but there’s at least one thing that can still be done to reduce its memory footprint on 64-bit architectures. The table is a big array of structs that look like this: struct _GHashNode (...)"
Для системных администраторов
Masim Sugianto: How To : Samba PDC+OpenLDAP on openSUSE/SLES Part 1
- "I have written Samba PDC+OpenLDAP tutorial on openSUSE on previous article but the tutorial are based on manual configuration and need too many steps to make it usable. Now, I want to share how to make Samba PDC+OpenLDAP on openSUSE or SLES with automatic configuration using the YAST way :-) . The tutorial should be easy to understand and and need a few step to make it ready for testing. (...)" Part2
Masim Sugianto: User Account Integration between Samba PDC & Zimbra Mail Server on openSUSE/SLES
- "This tutorial describes how you can configure Zimbra Mail Server & Collaboration Suite and Samba to act as a primary domain controller (PDC) that uses Zimbra LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) as a central password database for authenticating users on Linux and Windows desktops. The integration process will make it easier for administrators to manage Zimbra Mail Server and Samba PDC / Active Directory account because it use same LDAP database. If applied in corporate environments or institutions who have been using Windows Server, this guide can be used to set up Linux servers to replace the Windows Active Directory Server and Microsoft Exchange Server. User Account Integration between Samba PDC & Zimbra Mail Server on openSUSE/SLES Part 2 (Finish)
Masim Sugianto: Zimbra Mail Server with External Authentication using Samba PDC+OpenLDAP
- "Zimbra mail server using LDAP as default account database, but we may also use external LDAP/AD as Zimbra user authentication. This tutorial will cover how to use openSUSE/SLES PDC+OpenLDAP user as Zimbra user authentication. (...)"
The Geek Stuff/Sathiya Moorthy: UNIX / Linux: 10 Netstat Command Examples
- "Netstat command displays various network related information such as network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, multicast memberships etc.,
- In this article, let us review 10 practical unix netstat command examples."
HowtoForge/Falko Timme: Virtual Hosting With PureFTPd And MySQL (Incl. Quota And Bandwidth Management) On OpenSUSE 11.2
- "This document describes how to install a PureFTPd server that uses virtual users from a MySQL database instead of real system users. This is much more performant and allows to have thousands of ftp users on a single machine. In addition to that I will show the use of quota and upload/download bandwidth limits with this setup. Passwords will be stored encrypted as MD5 strings in the database."
nixCraft/Vivek Gite: Linux / UNIX: Encrypt Backup Tape Using Tar & OpenSSL
- "How do I make sure only authorized person access my backups stored on the tape drives (DAT, DLT, LTO-4 etc) under Linux or UNIX operating systems? How do I backup /array22/vol4/home/ to /dev/rmt/5mn or /dev/st0 in encrypted mode?"
Новые и обновлённые приложения для openSUSE
Packman: mjpegtools
- "The mjpegtools allow for capture, playback, processing and simple editing of MJPEG AV data. The hardware I/O applications are intended for use with Zoran MJPEG framegrabber-based hardware (see package zoran-driver), but the processing tools can be used with MJPEG data from other sources as well."
Packman: vlc 1.0.5-2
- "VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network."
Packman: gpodder 2.4
- "gPodder manages Podcasts for you and automatically downloads selected episodes from as many channels as you like. Synchronization support is available for iPods and filesystem-based MP3 players, but Podcasts can (of course) also be played with any desktop player application."
Packman: quvi 0.1.3
- "quvi is a command line tool for parsing video download links. It supports Youtube and other similar video websites."
Packman: cclive 0.6.2
- "cclive is a command line video extraction utility similar to clive but focuses on low requirements. Its features are few and essential.
- cclive is intended for users who prefer lightweight and "snappy" programs. It was written in C and depends on libcurl. cclive sports much of the same features but some compromises were made along the way to keep the prerequisites low. "
OBS/Petr Mladek: OpenOffice_org 3.2.1 beta2 available для openSUSE
- "Я рад объявить пакеты 3.2.1 beta2 для openSUSE. Они доступны в проекте службы сборки OpenOffice:org:UNSTABLE, are based on the upstream 3.2 sources and include many Go-oo fixes and improvements. Пожалуйста, посмотрите более подробную информацию о сборке openSUSE OOo на wiki странице. (...)"
OBS/Gabriel Burt: Banshee 1.6!
- "As scheduled, we just released Banshee 1.6.0! This release has been a long time coming, and we're really proud of it."
OBS/Jigish Gohil: Annuncing KIWI-LTSP package updates
- "Hello Community
- openSUSE packages are updated to use the latest LTSP. Here are the highlights of this release: (...)"
Уголок проектов
Уголок для освещения деятельности субпроектов * внутри * OpenSuse.
Проект KDE
Valorie Zimmerman (valorie): The Adventure Begins!
- "Linux now has its own blog, and I'll begin with the latest. My daughter Anne contributed her old laptop, in which son Thomas installed OpenSuSE. I thought it might be fun to install Amarok and see how a new user sees it, but to my surprise, it's part of the standard install. However, the version was ancient, so an upgrade was in the works. To my delight, Konversation was also installed, so I could hop right onto IRC and ask a few questions in #suse. Unfortunately, they were hating on KDE4 and Amarok2 in there, so not very helpful! (...)"
Milian Wolff (milianw): Profiling Rocks - KDevelop CMake Support now 20x faster
- "We were aware that KDevelop’s CMake support was slow. Too slow actually. It was profiled months ago and after a quick look that turned up QRegExp, it was discarded in fear of having to rewrite the whole parser properly, without using QRegExp. Which btw. is still a good idea of course.
- But well, today I felt like I should do some more tinkering. I mean I managed to optimize KDevelop’s Cpp support recently (parsing Boost’s huge generated template headers, like e.g. vector200.hpp is now 30% faster). I managed to make KGraphViewer usable for huge callgraphs I produce in Massif Visualizer. So how hard could it be to make KDevelop’s CMake at least /a bit/ faster, he?" (...)"
Проект GNOME
Fridrich Strba: ISensNetwork based network monitor for Evolution
- "These weeks I was using my spare cycles to prepare evolution to be buildable and running before the GNOME 2.30 freeze. One of the things that Evolution for windows was missing was an alternative for the NetworkManager network connection detection module. I crafted one using Windows ISensNetwork COM interface. The result is to be found here for those that might be interested in seeing how to implement COM callbacks in plain C. (...)"
Vincent Untz: Enjoy GNOME 2.30!=
- "It's out and it's good :-) Go read the release notes to get more details about 2.30! You know the drill now: this release is already included in the development branch of most distributions, and you'll see it in stable distributions released in the next few months.
- I've thought hard about it and after careful consideration, I'm positive that my favorite change in this release is the redesigned Swell Foop (previously named Same Gnome). Sure, it's neither the most visible change nor the most useful one, but the new clutter-based engine for this simple game makes it really addictive! (...)"
Планета SUSE
Robert Schweikert: Into the Cloud
- "Setting up your own Cloud infrastructure on SUSE has just become a lot easier. You can now use Kiwi and a mostly pre-configured set-up to build your own Cloud node images. Once these images are built setting up your Cloud can be accomplished in a few minutes. (...)"
Holger Hetterich: The future of SMB Traffic Analyzer – introducing protocol version 2
- "The SMB traffic analyzer software suite is a toolset aimed at visualizing the data flow on one or more Samba servers, providing statistics about the usage of Samba services. The long term goal of the SMB Traffic Analyzer project is to provide a universal remote debugging facility for Samba.
- As always, the very core of SMB Traffic Analyzer is the VFS module in Samba. It defines the capacities and features of the whole software stack. The first version of the module was pretty close to what I was envisioning at that time. As times gone by, and experience in using it was constantly adding new topics of what can be done to get more out of SMB Traffic Analyzer ( SMBTA in short). (...)"
Andrew Wafaa: Blogged about: Community Discussion - Part 3
- "Continuing my series of getting the openSUSE Community engaged in how better to improve itself, I thought I would look at Transparency and Communication. So what do I mean by these two?
- If we look at the definitions of these two:
- Transparency - Lack of hidden agendas and conditions, accompanied by the availability of full information required for collaboration, cooperation, and collective decision making.
- Minimum degree of disclosure to which agreements, dealings, practices, and transactions are open to all for verification.
- Essential condition for a free and open exchange whereby the rules and reasons behind regulatory measures are fair and clear to all participants.
- Communication - Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning. (...)"
James Ogley: The N900: My experiences
- "I was contacted a little while ago by WomWorld, offering me a review copy of the Maemo-powered Nokia N900 for a couple of weeks. That two weeks just came to a close and here are my thoughts from the point of view of a Linux user.
- On the whole, I enjoyed the N900 but not without reservation and sadly, the little niggles I found outweighed how great the device is as they got in the way of me being comfortable using it. I had to keep reminding myself while I had it that a mobile device such as the N900, a smartphone is A tool not a toy."
Pascal Bleser: openSUSE FAIL page
- "Just posting this into the wild, as it seems that most people don't know about it: there is a wiki page where we try to concentrate/summarize all the contact addresses in case something goes wrong (e.g. IRC cloak, member email alias, Build Service down, etc...).
- So, here it is:, and we named it "FAIL" because.. it's where to look for an email address when something (...)"
Thomas Biege: SELinux and openSUSE 11.3
- "Before I start I want to address my words to you - the openSUSE user and community member. If you have input regarding SELinux write me an email or, even better, open a bug report at and put me (thomas AT in CC."
Форумы openSUSE
Best kde4 Application?
- "I thought it would be interesting to see the results here, especially since all the controversy over various kde applications as the transition is made from kde3."
User needs .wmv files
- "This deserves a place in the record books as an example of how to be patient with a user, not to mention the useful info on video formats and conversion."
No Sound in Amarok
- "Sometimes the solutions are simpler than we think. But whatever help we offer, at least it gets the user thinking and they can often come up with the solution themselves."
Milestone LiveCD on USB Flash device
- "Using 'dd' to write the live .iso to a flash drive is working well, but some are having trouble. Check this thread for details."
В сети
KDE Software Compilation 4.4.2 Out Now: Codename "Colibri"
- "March 30th, 2010. Today, KDE has released a new version of the KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC). This month's edition of KDE SC is a bugfix and translation update to KDE SC 4.4. KDE SC 4.4.2 is a recommended upgrade for everyone running KDE SC 4.4.1 or earlier versions. As the release only contains bugfixes and translation updates, it will be a safe and pleasant update for everyone. Users around the world will appreciate that KDE SC 4.4.2 multi-language support is more complete. KDE SC 4 is already translated into more than 50 languages, with more to come."
Sirko Kemter: Happy Birthday - RadioTux
- "Yes its true, RadioTux has his 9th Birthday. Since 9 years we doing podcasts about Linux and Open Source and since last year we doing the openSUSE Weekly News as podcast. Its one of our traditions to make a Birthday broadcast and this year are a lot of openSUSE people in this podcast. The Boosters gratulated us and there are an interview with Julio Vaninni from openSUSE-ni and with Jose Oramas from Ecuador, both doing events for FLISOL. And thats what the broadcast is about - Linux in Latin America and the FLISOL. I also did a mail interview with Ricardo Varas Santana, you can find it here. The interviews with the organizators are in english, the rest of the podcast is in german/swiss german and you can find it here. (...)"
Roger Whittaker: UKUUG Conference
- "I drove up to Manchester very early on Tuesday morning (with a sick passenger) and arrived just in time for the start of the tutorial on SCons given by Russel Winder.
- On Tuesday evening, free beer was made available by antibodyMX at the Lass o' Gowrie pub very near the conference centre.
- On Wednesday, the conference proper opened with Simon Wardley's excellent talk on the Cloud entitled "Situation Normal, Everything Must Change". Other highlights on Wednesday were Simon Wilkinsons's talk "Building an infrastructure for open source development" and Robert Watson's talk on the next generation of FreeBSD's jail virtualisation method. (...)"
OStatic/Джо Брокмейер (Joe Brockmeier): Motivation and Contributions in Open Source: Stop Romanticizing Unpaid Contributions
- "Does motivation matter? Open source contributors are increasingly people who are paid to work on open source. GNOME contributor Lucas Rocha asks how this impacts communities over the long term.
- This is not a new question by any stretch. People worried about the influence of commercial interests in open source in the early days before Red Hat was a public company and when Slackware was still considered a major Linux distribution. I suspect people will still be asking this question for years to come. (...)"
ZDNET/Christopher Dawson: OpenSUSE Li-F-E vs. Edubuntu vs. Ubuntu
- "As I noted in my post over on Between the Lines (”Why doesn’t IBM just buy Novell already?”), I’ve been testing OpenSUSE’s Linux for Education Project and Ubuntu 10.04 server beta 1. I have a couple of problems that I was hoping they could solve: 1) a thin client environment that would allow me to redeploy several stacks of colored iMacs; 2) an easy Moodle setup that I could not only use for some pilots but share with colleagues looking to deploy their first LMS; and 3) determine if Ubuntu really should reign among Linux distros in education (and elsewhere)."
Обзоры и статьи
Linus Torvalds: The New Linux Is Gnu Linux
- "One of the long and painful debates over the name has ended with Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux kernel, accepting the name Gnu/Linux for the Linux based machines. This acceptance has brought together two forces of the Free Software movement – Linus Torvalds and Richard M. Stallman. (...)"
Junauza: Linux users? Who are these people?
- "Among the three major operating systems, you may know that Linux has the lowest market share on the desktop but is leading the server market. However, Linux on the desktop is slowly but surely going mainstream that's enough to scare the crap out of Microsoft. People who have been using Windows or Mac all their life maybe curious to know who are the minority (Linux users) and why are they still using this unpopular OS. Well, allow me introduce them to you: ..."
Chema Martin/The Linux Experience: KDE SC 4.4.1 Review
- "I keep three computers at home, one desktop and two laptops, all of which have some Linux incarnation installed. If possible, I usually set them up with more than one partition, so I can dual boot. This allows me to use several different distros, desktop managers. etc., at any given time. I can alpha and beta test that way, or simply keep it fresh so I am not stuck with the same configuration all the time. After all, Linux is about variety and freedom, so why not get the most out of it?
- Up until very recently, I was using a Mandriva 2010 installation to satiate my KDE thirst, but not being able to try the latest KDE 4.4.1 was bugging me. After trying to find a way to update my Mandriva box, I didn't find anything that seemed easy or reliable. "
The ERACC Web Log/Gene: Desktop Linux: An Average User Success Story
- "I often see the sentiment expressed that desktop Linux is “too hard” for the average PC user. Yet the qualification for “too hard” is usually that it is too hard to install Linux or too hard to fix problems on Linux for the average user. These arguments seem to completely overlook the fact that an average PC user will never install his own operating system. Also overlooked is the fact that the average PC user will never diagnose and fix her own system. An average PC user is taking a “sick” PC to a local computer repair shop, or to Geek Squad at Best Buy or calling a geek friend to come fix it. An average PC user is buying a PC with an operating system preinstalled and not changing it for something else. Those average PC users would have zero problems using desktop Linux. I have proof."
Прошедшие события и встречи
- 01 апреля 2010: openSUSE Встреча команды KDE - Thursday 1 March
- 24-25 марта 2010: Open Expo (Bern/Switzerland)
- 24-25 марта 2010: UKUUG (Manchester/UK)
- 25 марта 2010 : openSUSE 11.3 Milestone 4 Release
- 27 марта 2010 : Augsburger Linux-Infotag (Augsburg/Germany)
- You can find more informations on other events at:
- openSUSE News/Events – Local events
Грядущие события и встречи
- 06 апреля 2010: openSUSE Marketing Team IRC Meeting
- 07 апреля 2010: openSUSE Встреча правления
- 10 апреля 2010: Texas Linux Fest (Texas/USA)
- 20 апреля 2010: LinuxExpo 2010 Prague\, Czech Republic
- 21 апреля 2010: openSUSE Встреча правления
- You can find more informations on other events at:
- openSUSE News/Events – Local events
Обновления безопасности
Для просмотра полных объявлений безопасности, или для получения их по мере выхода, обращайтесь к списку рассылки openSUSE Security Announce.
Цифры в скобках показывают изменения по сравнению с предыдущей неделей.
На имеется 37262 (-6) не-уникальных подписчиков для всех списков рассылки.
На форумах openSUSE зарегистрировано 44228 (+291) пользователей - больше всего посетителей было 30559, 08-янв-2010 в 13:06.
4482 (+23) из 11601 (+66) зарегистрированных на User Directory контрибьюторов подписали Guiding Principles. Совет утвердил 395 (+0) членов сообщества.
Служба сборки
Служба сборки размещает 11887 (+164) проектов, 92977 (+102) пакетов, 21170 (+330) репозиториев от 22308 (+176) подтверждённых пользователей.
Статистика новшеств для openSUSE 11.3:
- всего: 585 (+12)
- необработанные: 353 (+4)
- новые: 10 (+0)
- рассматриваются: 100 (+2)
- кандидаты: 4 (+0)
- готовы: 35 (+4)
- отклонены: 64 (+2)
- дубликаты: 19 (+0)
Количество для всех продуктов проекта openSUSE на этой неделе:
- Всего открытых сообщений: 4927 (+5)
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- saigkill Обсуждение - Вклад Саша Маннс (Sascha Manns) (Editor in Chief)
- Dl9pf Обсуждение - Вклад Jan-Simon Möller (Second Editor in Chief, Main-Newsletter)
- STS301 Обсуждение - Вклад Sebastian Schöbinger (Советы и приемы)
- HeliosReds Обсуждение - Вклад Satoru Matsumoto (Editorial Office)
- Caf4926 Обсуждение - Вклад Carl Fletcher (Основные новости, Форумы Sec.)
- Okuro Обсуждение - Вклад Thomas Hofstätter (События и встречи)
- Pastakhov Обсуждение - Вклад Павел Астахов (Перевод на русский язык)
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