Warm welcome to our Issue 100! You find in this issue some interesting Articles like an short Overview about the past, Gratulation-Messages from others and so on.
We are also pleased to announce our new Twitteraccount for the openSUSE Weekly News. Just type "follow @opensusewn" and you're following us. Through this Account we're sending interesting Messages and links. You can send us your Gratulation Messages to this Account. Enjoy reading this issue.
Специальный 100-ый выпуск
100 Issues are a lot of Work. If you would like to know more about our last Issues you can read our History:
"Если вы обратили внимание на это в прошлый раз, вы знаете, что openSUSE начала использовать новый управляемый сообществом процес администрирования онлайновыми обновлениями для 11.2. А также как сотрудники Novell, сообщество людей заботятся о рабочем процессе рассмотрения и утверждения онлайн обновлений для пакетов, содержащих ошибки. Теперь я хочу обраться к вам с попросьбой - онлайновые обновления готовые к выпуску требуют дополнительного тестирования, чтобы убедиться, что они не принесут тяжелых повреждений на системах пользователей."
"For the current 2009 election of the openSUSE board, we have three seats for election and three candidates running unopposed. As our existing election rules did not anticipate this scenario, the Election Committee has made the following decision:
The seats up for election include one Novell-employed position and two non-Novell-employed positions. Pavol Rusnak is running for the Novell-employed seat and Rupert Horstkötter and Bryen M Yunashko are running for the non-Novell seats.
The election committee will declare the candidates as elected by end of Monday, 7th of December, if nobody else steps up in the respective group to run for the election. Otherwise we will have an election in that group"
"In the past, we had one central openSUSE subversion (svn) repository on Novell Forge for the openSUSE infrastructure including the openSUSE Build Service. This repository has grown over time. We’ have now split the repository in some smaller projects and some repositories are now using git."
"На протяжении многих лет SUSE Linux поставляется с инструметом для настройки параметров рабочего стола , не имеющего аналогов в мире Linux и свободного программного обеспечения: SaX2. Это сделало простым даже для неопытных пользователей настройку видеорежимов, макетов экрана, а также клавиатуры и устройств ввода для системы X Window."
"I have been working with the Acetone ISO manager and have been in awe at how much this tool can do. The creators of Acetone call it a CD/DVD image manager, but from my perspective it is much more than that. Acetone is more like an emulator for different types of ISOs that can allow the user to do many things with ISO images: Mount, split, convert, compress, encrypt, and more. Acetone even allows the user to download videos from Youtube and burn them to CD/DVD."
"OpenOffice.org становится известным среди офис-сотрудников, домашних пользователей, студентов и среди многих других социальных групп. Почему? Наиболее очивидной (и часто цитируемой) причиной является то, что это бесплатно. Но OpenOffice.org не просто бесплатный - он надежный, испытанный и очень гибкий. С помощью панелей инструментов можно расширить функциональность любого приложения OpenOffice.org. Там включены множество инструментов, при помощи которых можно добавлять различные функции и свойства, которые вам необходимы и это значительно облегчит вам работу. Если вы не найдете нужный вам инструмент, вы всегда сможете его создать сами."
"Недавно я прочитал статью о Dell Latitude E6500 BIOS и о дросселировании во время стандартных рабочих режимов, и решил обновить свой БИОС. Для пользователей Windows это задание довольно таки простое (вы загружаете программу . EXE и используете ее). Но в системе Линукс мы не можем эти воспользоваться. Поэтому нашей задачей является создать бесплатную, загружаемую с USB ДОС, загрузить и установить необходимые обновления БИОСа."
"Если вы прочитали два предыдущих руководства по использованию Vim, то возможно вам теперь проще работать с текстовым редактором. На этой стадии вас следует чаще использовать эту программу. Я бы хотел обратить внимание на улучшенные функции, кратко продемонстрировать как установить конфигурационный файл Vim и как настроить интерейс и внешние команды Vim."
"Использование ранее добавленных команд поможет вам запоминать расположение файлов, которые были недавно добавлены, а также избавит от необходимости перепечатывать длинные пароли и спасет от многих ошибок при наборе текста. Если вы будете использовать восклицательный знак после первых нескольких букв набираемой команды при просмотре страниц в истории, то это поможет вам работать быстрее и удобней. Все это при помощи особенностей интерфейса Unix, которые берегут ваше время."
"Существует много применений SQL. Вот несколько этапов чтобы создать базу данных пользователя, которая может быть использована для FTP протокола, почтового и сетевого серверов."
"Как вы уже знаете, комманда Ping (отправитель пакетов интернета) используется, чтобы выяснить доступен ли пользователь межсетевых шлюзов и хостов. Если вы думаете, что Ping это простая команда и почему вам нужно 15 примеров, то вам стоит прочитать эту статью до конца."
"Сегодня хотел исправить некоторые данные, которые я сохранил на openSUSE 11.2 USB, просто для того, чтобы проверить, что это не демо -версия. На самом деле, это включает в себя прочтение страницы руководства coolo’s clicfs, поэтому я напишу про это здесь, чтобы спасти вас от трудностей ;)"
"Network card bonding is an effective way to increase the available bandwidth, if it is done carefully. Without a switch that supports 802.3ad, you must have the right hardware to make it work. In this article we will explain how bonding works so you can deploy the right mode for your situation."
"LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on an OpenSUSE 11.2 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support."
"This week kolab became one small step closer to realize feature request 307846: include Kolab in openSUSE. Although it will take lots and lots of more work to achieve this goal at all. The one step closer was realized in cooperation with the openSUSE cyrus-imapd maintainer R. The openSUSE cyrus-imapd spec file in the repository server:mail spec file has been extended with information about kolab, but the actual execution of the information has been switched off. ..."
"Installing OpenVPN is easy and platform independent. Modern Linux systems, such as SuSE, Red Hat, Debian, or Ubuntu, provide sophisticated installation and package management systems, and still offer other ways to install the software. In this two-part article by Markus Feilner, we will install it on different Linux versions and FreeBSD."
Я рад объявить о новом пакете rkhunter для OpenSuse. Что нового в этом пакете? В проекте говорится: Данный релиз обеспечивает более простое использование за счет добавления новых параметров конфигурации для конечных пользователей и обнаружение заразы путем добавления и улучшения проверки руткитов и вредоносных программ."
"Я рад объявить OpenOffice.org 3.2 beta3 пакеты для openSUSE. Они доступны в службе сборки (Build Service) OpenOffice:org:UNSTABLE проекте и включают множество апстрим и Go-oo исправлений. Также смотрите обзор добавленных функций и усовершенствований. Пожалуйста, посмотрите более подробную информацию о сборке openSUSE OOo на wiki странице."
"I’m happy to announce that updated OpenOffice.org 3.1.1 packages in the Build Service OpenOffice:org:STABLE project. It includes many useful fixes. See also the original announce for more details about the 3.1.1 release."
"Music player with the aims to be intuitive and fast even for huge music collections. Guayadeque is a Music Player with the aims to be easy to use and fast even for huge music collections. Its developed in C++ to make it as faster as possible. The main features includes : - Play mp3, ogg, flac, wma, mpc, mp4, ape, etc - Read and write tags in all supported formats - Allow to catalogue your music using labels. ..." Пакет доступен с Packman Repository
Уголок проектов
Уголок для освещения деятельности субпроектов * внутри * OpenSuse.
"Итак, openSUSE 11.2 вышла, и это означает, что многие люди начинают использовать ее и, следовательно, иногда сталкиваются с ошибками , а иногда и сообщают о них. As much as 11.2 appears to be a fine release, this is bound to happen now too, и это означает, что that the number of KDE bugreports for openSUSE in the Novell bugzilla will grow again and will need to be handled."
"Вчера kde.org выпустили KDE 4.3.4: 1 декабря 2009. Сегодня, KDE выпустил новую версию KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC). This month's edition of KDE SC is a bugfix and translation update to KDE SC 4.3. KDE SC 4.3.4 is a recommended upgrade for everyone running KDE 4.3.3 or earlier versions. As the release only contains bugfixes and translation updates, it will be a safe and pleasant update for everyone. Users around the world will appreciate that KDE SC 4.3.4 is more completely translated. KDE 4 is already translated into more than 50 languages, with more to come."
"Today the KDE team makes available the first beta release of what will become KDE Software Collection 4.4. KDE SC 4.4 Beta 1 is the first step in the official 4.4 development release cycle, which will be completed in February 2010 with the release of KDE SC 4.4.0."
"The word just went out: GUADEC 2010 will be held in The Hague. You can read all the details in the press release, and you if you do so, you might find out that you know some of the organizers ;-) This is quite exciting news! And since it's really easy to travel to the Hague, I hope we'll be able to see again some people who couldn't attend last year; from what I can already hear here and there, it looks like it'll be the case. Lovely!"
"As of now, you can submit your talk proposals! We want to make this a fun room and we want to accomodate all kinds of talks. For that reason, one thing we're experimenting with is having dynamic timeslots. Only want 15 minutes? That's okay! Need an hour? We'll see if we can squeeze it in! The most important factor is that it's interesting and fun."
"This was fast! Wallace B. McClure has written the first e-book on getting started with Mono on the iPhone with MonoTouch. This is a short e-book, 42-pages in size, but it is also very cheap, it is only 6.99 USD and will help you get started in no time with MonoTouch."
"Last month I began a series on product quality. I introduced our tenets of product quality and outlined additional topics I planned to address. I interrupted this for our exciting Novell Pulse launch, but it is now time to resume the discussion about quality."
"As written in my last post, I have packaged an ipw2200 kmp that enables writing to the eeprom. Incidentally, looking closer at one of my other machines, it turned out to have an ipw2200 that had the same problem as Obi’s, namely not being able to use all 13 11b/g channels that are allowed here:"
"I know I'm not the only member of the clergy who uses Linux so I trust that this post may be of use to others. Also, the notes here may well apply to users of other open source calendars, I use Evolution so I know it works there. Your mileage may - or may not - vary. The lectionary that can be downloaded and imported into your calendar software is a great service but I've always had one problem with it which is that in Evolution, it shows the whole of every day as busy time - a little bit awkward. So I decided this year to hack the raw file before importing to make each entry an "all-day" event but with the time not showing as busy. Here are your steps to do so:"
"Saving documents: There are two changes related to the document-saving functionality that I’d like to mention. The first one is the new icon in the document modified status window. As I blogged before, I had made a minor polish to the existing document modified status window, to show the status graphically instead of simply showing ‘*’ when the document is modified. The only problem was that the icon I used to fill that space was pretty lame and ugly. But thanks to jimmac, we now have a much better icon to show the modified status (see below)."
"Grub continues to play tricks on users, well it appears that way, but it can be tricky to set it up, especially with complicated setups. As is the case here."
"Some interesting snippets of personal feelings on the 11.2 release and openSUSE in general. Maybe you feel like adding your thoughts here too. Then we can all get that warm fuzzy feeling over something really good. "
"Mozilla announced an important security change in the upcoming Firefox 3.6 that should prevent dangerous behavior caused by external applications bypassing the normal add-on installation process. Starting with 3.6, extensions, plugins, and third-party applications will no longer be able to install code in Firefox's components directory, where much of the browser's own code is housed and loaded automatically. Installing code into the directory was never an approved method, but because the lockdown is a change, Mozilla is providing add-on developers with technical assistance to transition their code to the approved, XPI-based installation scheme. For end users, the change should not adversely affect browsing, but may improve stability and should make for a more secure Firefox experience."
"This release _feels_ long overdue due to two empty weeks for me (kernel summit and thanksgiving week vacation), but it's actually less than three months since 2.6.31, so I guess it's actually not that far off the normal schedule.
I've been merging a few things that were pending while I was offline, but it really seems to have been pretty quiet. The biggest thing since -rc8 is the horribly timed stability fixes for fscache, which caused some hickups and I really wish it hadn't happened that way, but apart from that it's mainly small updates (and mainly drivers)."
The DNS protocol is an important part of the web's infrastructure, serving as the Internet's "phone book". Every time you visit a website, your computer performs a DNS lookup. Complex pages often require multiple DNS lookups before they complete loading. As a result, the average Internet user performs hundreds of DNS lookups each day, that collectively can slow down his or her browsing experience."
"Another Open Mic podcast is up on NetworkWorld. I had a chance a few weeks ago to talk to a longtime friend, Brian Proffitt. Brian's the community manager for the Linux Foundation and has been active in and around the Linux community for many, many years. Brian gives a status update on Linux.com following its acquisition by the Linux Foundation, and a look ahead to where it's going. Fun conversation, and Brian always has interesting things to say -- so be sure to check it out when you have a few minutes!"
"arstechnica.com recently discussed Ubuntu’s decision to remove GIMP (a GNU Image Manipulation Program that is popular among the Linux world) on the next release of Ubuntu slated for April 2010, and dubbed 10.04.
Many people think it’s not the right thing to do, but if you think long and hard about the decision, it’s quite simple to realize, that it’s a niche product for a niche market and its removal from a default installation doesn’t seem like that bad of an idea, since it could be simply installed using aptitude, or apt-get."
"On Dec 1st, Nokia released QT 4.6. The major new improvements are: (from nokia’s website) Advanced Graphics Effects Opacity, drop-shadows, blur, colorization and many more graphics effects can now be used with Qt 4.6 to create more exciting UIs."
"Germany's first open source professorship was established at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
First professor of Open Source will be Dr. Dirk Riehle, MBA. The professorship and its research group will focus on the use of open source as a target for developers, and its application in enterprises."
"Итак, Qt 4.6.0 is out! It’s really a “big” release: QAnimation Framework, Symbian Release, Qt Creator 1.3, Maemo 5 Tech Preview and Qt Mobility. Ow! Basically we have been working with the trolls in this release for a year now and it was awesome to see how we got from 4.5 to 4.6. All the work done on the APIs, bug fixing, the release process and also making it more open. The LGPL license, the opening of repositories and bug tracker."
"Yeah, you read that correctly, there will be two close to the metal DevRooms at FOSDEM this year (or next year, Mr. Daenzer :)) FOSDEM 2010 runs on the 6th and 7th of February and in the AW building in room AW.124 there will be some really interesting things happening :)"
"The US AirForce has revealed plans to purchase up to 2,200 PlayStation 3 games machines as part of a supercomputing project running on an in-house Linux distribution.
According to reports, the Air Force plans to use the devices to expand an existing supercomputing project based on PS3 hardware. The machines use IBM's high-end Cell processor."
"When Novell and Microsoft signed a deal to support Windows and Linux in the enterprise, it caused a furore. Three years on, the deal shows that Microsoft really does acknowledge the value of Linux in the enterprise - at least that's the view from the OpenSUSE community."
"I have managed to find some time to cover the recent changes in the development version of KDE 4.4. The number of changes is not impressive but they are interesting enough to write an article."
"I have a large electronic library (over 15,000 books) and I was looking for a way to cope with this mass of information. I didn't like the idea of a special catalog, since it would take a lot of manual work to enter the metadata. Besides, my books are in various formats, from HTML, to RTF, to DOC, to PDF, to DjVU. These files lack metadata way too often and I thought a local indexing service with a full-text search might solve my problem. I knew there are more options to choose from than just Google, but I could not find a good modern comparison. Even the table in Wikinfo's Comparison of desktop search software contained too many errors, as I discovered."
""This is not a democracy, it's a meritocracy." - The statement comes from the Ubuntu Governance page, but you can find similar statements in the Fedora Release Notes, the Why Debian For Developers page, and just about anywhere else were free and open source software (FOSS) projects discuss their core values."
"Can we liberate tweeting from Twitter? It's an open question. And it's one that Dave Winer hopes we can answer, in response to his post We need: An open source Twitter shell. He begins,
"It would do more or less exactly what the twitter.com website does. Same prefs, same commands, same user experience. Think Apache for the Twitter user interface.""
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