Участник:Lit-uriy/OpenSUSE Localization Guide

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На этой странице ищите информацию о локализации (L10N, LCN) програмных компонент openSUSE, ранее известного как SUSE Linux. Это применяется к программам подобным YaST или SaX или системному(главному) меню рабочего стола. Информация о локализации Вики openSUSE (т.е. этого сайта) представлена в OpenSUSE Translation Guide.

Добавление нового языка

Если ваш язык уже включен в таблицу OpenSUSE Localization Teams, значит команда для вашего языка существует. Информацию об участии в команде ищите в Joining a Existing Team. Если команды для вашего языка нет, проделайте следующее:

  1. Создайте учетную запись Novell. Log in and access your wiki user page at http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/User:account_name (replace account_name with your name). If you have a Novell Bugzilla account, use it for localization project, too.
  2. Mail to opensuse-translation@opensuse.org. Within your mail, provide the following information: new language name, your full name, your Novell login, your contact mail.
  3. Wait for approval of the new language project and the creation of your subversion (SVN) access.
  4. Add your language to the table of localization teams. Also fill out the fields about the coordinator (the coordinator is a person with Subversion access) and the location of your project pages, see Language Project Page.
  5. Start with localization. If you are not familiar with the open source localization process, usage of the SVN, and PO files; read Starting Work before you begin.

Присоединение к существующей команде

If a language team exists for your language, contact coordinator of the team.

Начало работы

All files to be translated are stored in a subversion repository. Find basic information about SVN access at the suse-i18n download page at http://developer.novell.com. Downloading the files from subversion is allowed for all team members via anonymous access. Committing is allowed only for team coordinators.

You should change only files of your language team. If your activity in SVN damages work of other teams, your SVN access can be blocked.

Наиболее важные файлы

If you are at the beginning of localization, you should start with the most important files. These files belong to the most visible applications of the SUSE Linux distribution, like installation or YaST Control Center. The most important files are:

  • yast/your_language/installation.your_lang_code.po
  • yast/your_language/base.your_lang_code.po
  • and all files started with 'package' in yast/your_lang_code/

Минимальный перевод

У нас нет процентного ограничения на перевод для включения в дистрибутив. Т.е. если вы перевели только 10%, то мы все равно включим эти 10% в дистрибутив.

Структура репозитария SVN

'trunk'-рабочий каталог

The PO files for you are stored in 'yast' and 'lcn' directories in the 'trunk' directory. The yast directory includes po files of YaST and the lcn directory includes PO files of other applications. All PO files should have the name in the format application_name.your_language_code.po.

-- trunk
   +-- doc
   +-- lcn
   |   +-- 50-etc
   |   +-- 50-memory
   |   +-- 50-pot
   |   +-- Makefile.am
   |   +-- README
   |   +-- configure.ac
   |   +-- cs
   |   +-- cy
   |   +-- ...другие языковые каталоги    
   +-- www
   +-- yast
       +-- 50-pot
       +-- ar
       +-- bg
       +--...другие языковые каталоги
-- branches

You do not have to download whole directories. Both directories contains subdirectories named by language codes. Find the code of your language and download only the directory with the code of your language. For example, if you want download Polish localization, use:

svn checkout https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/suse-i18n/trunk/yast/pl
svn checkout https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/suse-i18n/trunk/lcn/pl

It can happens that some po file of an application is missing. In this situation start translation from the template and add it to your language directory. Templates for YaST are stored in the yast/50-pot directory and templates for other applications are stored in the lcn/50-pot directory. All templates have prefix .pot.

All directories starts with '50-' are special directories. They contain the templates and scripts for automatic merging. Please do not change the content of these directories.

In the 'trunk' directory is also 'www' directory, where are stored pages of the localization portal. Please do not change the content of this directory.


At the same level as 'trunk' find the 'branches' directory that contains all the branches. We use branches for testing and for released products:


We do not expect the openSUSE community to work on updates business products such as 'branches/SLE10SP1' (SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 SP1); we cannot even promise to make use of community updates there.

Thus far, no update from 'branches/openSUSE-10_2-Branch' is scheduled. The first YaST translation update for 10.2 we will build from the 'trunk'.

О файлах PO и POT

Original English text in the PO file is not possible to change. You can change only translation. If you find an error in the original English text, please use Bugzilla to report it. All wrong texts must be fixed in the source code of the application first and then will be generated a new POT file and automatically merge with your files. After it, the changed string will be marked as fuzzy.

If you do not know, what is the PO and POT file, please read article Work with PO Files.


Information about state of your localization work you find in statistics. If your language is not included, please send mail to the opensuse-translation mailing list.

Страница команды перевода

If you work in the large team, you should have your own team page in your native language. To create one, use openSUSE wiki in your language and add the link to the table of localization teams. If there is no openSUSE wiki translated into your language, create team page in the English wiki page with name your_language_code Language_name Localization Team.

Инструменты переводчика

Do you use a tool, which is not mentioned? Add it to the list!

  • KBabel - KBabel is the part of the package kdesdk3-translate
  • poEdit - poEdit (for Windows, MacOS and GNU/Linux)
