Archive:Еженедельные новости 57

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Добро пожаловать в выпуск № 57 Еженедельных новостей openSUSE

На этой неделе:

  • openSUSE@FOSDEM2009
  • HP Builds on the openSUSE Education Project
  • Masim Sugianto: Tutorial : VirtualBox on openSUSE 11.1 Part 2
  • openSUSE Forums: How to install KDE 4.2
  • Build maemo-apps with openSUSE BuildService ? - It works !


  • HP Builds on the openSUSE Education Project
    "In December, HP announced that it would release a new desktop offering alongwith Novell[1] targeted at education customers. Part of the announcement is a repository of education applications "including math, art and word games, to improve student learning," which were based on work by the openSUSE Education project. Novell and HP would like to formally acknowledge the community's contribution to HP's education repository and thank the openSUSE Education community for the work they have done to package and make available additional programs for open source education efforts."

  • KDE 4.2 in openSUSE
    "The KDE Project released KDE 4.2 on Tuesday, and of course openSUSE packages were available in time for the release. If you missed the pointer from the KDE announcement info page, you can get your KDE 4.2 fix in a number of ways. Want to install KDE 4.2 on an existing system? Grab the packages via one-click install for openSUSE 11.1, openSUSE 11.0, or openSUSE 10.3.You can also run the 4.2 packages in a Live CD, or install a fresh openSUSE 11.1-based system with KDE 4.2 packages from the Live CD."

  • openfate - New Features
    "Wow, that was fast. openfate already had a lot of features to make feature tracking easier and the new version got a lot of improvements!"

В сообществе


The openSUSE project will participate at FOSDEM with the openSUSE 'DevRoom' (Developer Room) and a booth.

Обновление статусов


Suse Box.png
  • Status Дистрибутив week 5
    "The Factory LiveCDs are no longer in my private acount, but are now published automatically once they built: . Otherwise there is little progress to report atm. Factory works flawless though, which is the good news :) We enabled some security checks, so some more failures are currently in openSUSE:Factory, but nothing to worry about in the current state."

  • Prague YaST team meeting
    "Minutes of Prague YaST Team Meeting: 2009-01-29"

  • The effect of preload
    "I spent some time optimizing preload (still not done), but I wanted to share two bootcharts for my laptop: one with preload and one without: "

Build Service

  • 1.5 RC 2 release
    "Finally, later than expected, but now we have another Build Service 1.5 rc release. All important fixes, esp from backend and build script code have been backported."

  • Build Team Meeting minutes

  • Build maemo-apps with openSUSE BuildService ? - It works !
    "[...] Today I succeeded in building a package of csync (the new file-sync tool) for maemo/diablo inside a local instance of the openSUSE Build Service using the cross-build and download-on-demand support. To make this happen, I imported the diablo/sdk repository from as download-on-demand target."

Советы и приёмы

  • Masim Sugianto: Tutorial : VirtualBox on openSUSE 11.1 Part 2
    "We have installed VirtualBox as describe on Tutorial : VirtualBox on openSUSE 11.1 Part 1. Now, we will continue the process by using VirtualBox and testing guest operating system. I’m using openSUSE 11.1 as guest OS. You may used another operating system instead of openSUSE."

Новые/обновлённые приложения @ OpenSUSE


Планета SUSE

  • Stefan Hundhammer: Tabbed Browsing for Packages - Follow-up
    "In last Friday’s blog entry about tabbed browsing for пакетов, I had asked for comments and opinions. There were quite a number of them, all of them very constructive. Thanks to all who participated!"

  • Joe Brockmeier: openSUSE group
    "If you happen to microblog (and you should!) you probably will want to sign up for the !opensuse group on"

  • Martin Schlander: Howto install KDE 4.2 on openSUSE
    "Over on Zonker is pushing the Build Service KDE 4.2.0 packages in a major way. While I share the enthusiasm for KDE 4.2, I think that it’s a bit dangerous to push an unsupported upgrade to untested, under development packages of an entire desktop environment on the general public. At least I think that not all openSUSE users are geeks and experts, hopefully some of them are regular people who like their GNU/Linux operating system to be reliable and functional, and don’t just use it for play. So here’s what I think you should know about upgrading openSUSE to KDE 4.2."

  • Stephan Binner: KDE 4.2.0 & KDE Four Live 1.2.0
    "KDE 4.2 has been released and gives "The Answer". With the usual openSUSE KDE4 packages available comes also a new release of KDE Four Live, the most comprehensive KDE4 Live-CD"

Форумы openSUSE

  • Which Netbooks does openSUSE work best with?
    "Excited about Netbooks? Have a look at the experiences with various models and share your own experiences with openSUSE installations on Netbooks with the forums community."

  • How to install KDE 4.2
    "KDE 4.2.0 was released by the KDE community. If you want to install it on openSUSE 11.1 while it's hot, have a look on the recommendations in this forums thread. If you already installed KDE 4.2.0, please share your experiences to assist other openSUSE users."

  • Howto: uninstall Beagle
    "If you'd like to get rid of Beagle to save system resources, you should read this forums thread. Forum members monoRhesus and Monex explain how to uninstall it with all indexes and extended file attributes without affecting related packages installed on your system."

В сети


  • Encrypt-Decrypt files using mcrypt on OpenSuse
    "MCrypt is a replacement for the old crypt() package and crypt(1) command, with extensions. It allows developers to use a wide range of encryption functions, without making drastic changes to their code. It allows users to encrypt files or data streams without having to be cryptographers."

  • KDE 4.2 : Kmail/Kontact, the killer application !
    "I recently went through a long discussion with my boss about linux mail clients usage in corporate environment. [...] As KDE 4.2 came out recently, I decided to give a super hardcore bench at Kmail on that very specific point, playing with a hudge IMAP mailbox ."



Прошедшие события и встречи

Грядущие события и встречи

Обновления безопасности


Для просмотра полных объявлений безопасности или для получения их по мере выхода обратитесь к списку рассылки openSUSE Security Announce.


Числа в скобках показывают изменения по сравнению с прошлой неделей.

На форумах openSUSE зарегистрировано 21359 (+696) пользователей - больше всего пользователей, включая гостей, 7771, было в сети 02 декабря 2008 в 17:31.

2279 (+57) из 4591 (+189) зарегистрированных на User Directory контрибьюторов подписали Guiding Principles. Совет утвердил 261 (+1) членов.

Build Service
Build Service размещает 5127 (+68) проектов, 60912 (+426) пакетов, 10063 (+180) репозиториев от 12020 (+252) подтверждённых пользователей.

Статистика возможностей 11.2: 141 (+7) возможностей - неподтверждено: 16 (+2) новых: 26 (-7) оцениваются: 94 (+13) кандидатов: 0 готово: 1 отклонено: 3 повторов: 1 (+1)



Числа для всех продуктов проекта openSUSE на этой неделе:



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